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Our story

Coming from atypical background, we are first and foremost passionate people, light up by the desire to create atypical and authentic products, to create the brands of tomorrow. Our brands are developped thanks to the will to consume more locally crafted products, closer to nowadays values.

Our enthusiasm first pushed us towards the wines and fine spirits, but we quickly fell in love with the amazing winegrowers or distillers and felt we had to go beyond.

Our concepts force us to think together to craft these never made recipes, or even invent new ways of producing.



It’s a total blast!

These conversations feed us and enable us to bridge tradition and modernity in a fun way, all around the affordable luxury positioning.

Hoping that as many people as possible can enjoy our delicious drinks!


Customers = part of our team

“L’approche de Dare+Drink correspond à une vision moderne et décomplexée de notre métier. Leur méthode est professionnelle et décontractée. L’intérêt du consommateur comme des distributeurs est un fil conducteur où la part du plaisir et du « fun » sont toujours présent. Je partage pleinement ces valeurs .”

Michael Thureau, 

Responsable Commercial

Responsable Compte Clé

Bordeaux Tradition - France 

“ Une start-up ancrée dans son temps, proposant de vrais concepts nouveautés alliant la modernité, la qualité et l’amour du terroir. L’engagement, l’envie de réussir et l’adaptabilité font les atouts de cette jeune entreprise en plein essor ! ”

Clara Schelstraete, 

Responsable de Marque

Mack & Schuehle


“Here at KBE Drinks we have seen a successful partnership with Dare + Drink flourish through the integration of MistralGin into our portfolio as the UK distributor for the brand. From the get-go, our sales team have received a huge amount of support and guidance into the gin to help ensure success and we look forward to continuing our relationship with Dare + Drink into the future.”

Tomas Elliot Freye

Innovation manager

Kingfisher Europe

United Kingdom

Join us and be part of this journey

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